Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Time Flies

They say time flies when you're having fun, but I think that time flies regardless of the amount of fun. I have been thinking lately about how quickly time has gone, and how I am feeling more and more like an adult-- a real person, if you will. I am not really sure how I feel about that. It is this change that has been taking place gradually, but seems to have snuck up on me some how. My years at uni are coming to an end. Soon I will be looking for a job and a more permanent place to live. I will have more responsibility over my finances. At times I am not sure I am ready for all of this, at others I am ready to fully embrace it.

My twenty-second birthday is coming up in April and I wonder how I have come this far. In my head, twenty two seems so old. When I was younger, people who were twenty two seemed to have their lives together and knew what they were doing. I do not feel like that person who has her life all together. I feel pretty good about my life and am enjoying it fully (although I wish I could make it back to Glasgow for my Spring Break). Life moves so quickly. When you're a kid you want to grow up fast, but now I wouldn't mind if time slowed down a little bit. Being a kid again does not sound too appealing, but I just do not know where the last four years have gone. There is so much I want to accomplish, but I feel like time is already running out.

Last March, when I was waiting at the airport for my mom and cousin to get in on that day that it snowed so so much, I had a conversation with an elderly gentleman named Bob for several hours. He told me some thing that stuck with me. He said we go through three stages in life: first, "I'm too young," and then it's "I'm too busy," third is "I'm too old." I wonder what excuses I have made about not taking or making opportunities.

Speaking of time, I am currently procrastinating from doing homework, so I should get on that.

Friday, February 02, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things

Here in Colorado, we are into the depths of winter. It is absolutely baltic (-28c last night), but the cold and snow have not stopped the warmth of life. I have discovered the beauty of Canadian Geese, although I have seen them my whole life. They hang about in the snow on my campus and are stunning. I feel as though they are little gifts from nature to our campus, if only we will see them as such. I tried to take a photo of them in the snow, but when I actually took my camera to uni with me they were of course no where to be seen. If I manage to get one, I'll post it. I contemplated having one for a pet one day, but decided that part of their beauty is their absolute freedom and keeping one as a pet would require having its wings clipped. Maybe that is how God feels about us. He could make us bound to his will, but instead he gave us a free will. Love and loyalty is always much greater if it is freely given.

My other favorite thing of late, is PUB QUIZZES! I participated in some quizzes back in Glasgow and enjoyed them and now we have found that there are pub quizzes at an Irish pub near our city centre. I went on Tuesday night with some friends. They were suprised at my enthusiam regarding such activities, but once they played, they understood how amazing it really is. Our waiter was from London. He had never heard the word 'chav' before though (it was part of one of the questions. Very curious. There will be more pub quizzes in the near future, I'm sure!